Happy Bunny!

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Happy Bunny

 Happy Bunny: World's most evil bunny.

I would tell you were pretty, but God hates liars.

Not listening.

Cute but psycho.

It worries me how dumb you are.

You're so dumb.

 Hating you makes me all warm inside.

Its all about me. Deal with it.

Cute, but phycho. Things even out.

Hey, you make me throw up a little.

Its okay if you want to drop dead.

I love boys, they're stupid.

Me want hurt you.

Prevent violence! Give me your lunch money!

You're icky.

Love sucks, big time.

Boys lie and kind of stink.



Love: Just like hate, only somebody gets candy.

School prepares you for the real world, which also sucks.

Wow, you're ugly.

Me, just like you, only better.

Strangers have the best candy!

Guess what? Its still about me!

Its cute how you think I'm listening.

I love everybody except you pinheads.

Skool makes you sooper smart.

You smell like doody.

Crazy doesn't even begin to cover it.

Plotting revenge is fun.

I never call you names... infront of your face.

At the end of my tantraums someone usually gets buried.

I like to make boys cry.